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Is there a role for the teacher in the world of Artificial Intelligence? Absolutely.

4 December, 2018  Some reflections on the Reimagine Education Conference, San Francisco, 29-30 November 2018   Does artificial intelligence mean teachers will be redundant in the classrooms of the future? Not according to discussions at Reimagine Education. I have just returned from the Reimagine Education...

EdTech systems - Prevention or cure?

26 July, 2018  Education cuts are continuously shaving time off teachers’ days when they are already hard pressed to complete their roles to the full. At the heart of their role teachers need to mark work. Students love it too. It gives them more detailed and nuanced feedback than a computer, that they...

Why art?

18 July, 2018  A recent post by Richard Branson about the positive benefits of art (and music) in an office got us reflecting on why we have always featured wonderfully rich, abstract artworks on our textbook covers and online resources; as well as on the office walls. Why? Well, it’s partly because we love...

Omaha. Somewhere in middle America

12 July, 2018  What is the state of teaching computer science in the US? We went to the Computer Science Teachers Association annual conference in Omaha, Nebraska to see what we could learn from them... and they from us. The numbers of courses are increasing, as are the number of States offering them. Specialist...

Should smartphones be banned from classrooms?

10 July, 2018  Are phones in the classroom a distraction, or a useful tool and an aid to learning? Should they even be allowed in the playground? These are the weighty questions being pondered by Headteachers up and down the country as well as by national organisations such as the Office of the Children’s...