Mastery for GCSE Edexcel

£75.00 + VAT Discounted rate from £37.50


Unit 5: Measures



Inside the Unit...

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Areas Covered

  • Lesson 1: Estimation
  • Lesson 2: Scale diagrams
  • Lesson 3: Bearings
  • Lesson 4: Plans and elevations
  • Lesson 5: Perimeter
  • Lesson 6: Area of simple shapes
  • Download sample lesson above
  • Lesson 7: Volume of simple shapes
  • Unit assessment

There are 7 exercise sheets and an examination-style assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.

Mathematics Mastery

Our resources apply the principles of Mastery throughout, creating a rich and deep learning experience. Find out more about Mastery with our quick guide.

Mathematics Mastery

Summary - Out now!

This unit deals with measures used in mathematics including scales, 2D representations, perimeter, area and volume.  At the start of the unit estimation is considered in context, with rounding and sensible degrees of accuracy revisited (from Unit 4) and the use of inequalities to express error bounds for rounded and truncated numbers is developed. With elegant graphics to support the learning, students learn about scale drawings and bearings, using reasoning to solve contextualised problems. Plans and elevations are met, focusing on the skills needed to draw and interpret 2D representations of 3D objects.  The unit then moves on to shapes; finding the perimeter, area and volume of shapes such as triangles, trapezium, parallelogram, cuboids, prisms and composites of these shapes.  Standard formulae for area and volume are introduced and used, and these skills are applied through graded questions, reasoning and problem-solving tasks involving perimeter, area and volume.   

What's included in the toolkit?

Teachers' Toolkit

The GCSE units have been written to satisfy the specification for the Edexcel 1MA1 Maths GCSE. Each unit contains:

  • PowerPoint slides for each component
  • Detailed lesson plans
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Exercise sheet activities with answers
  • End-of-unit, exam-style assessment test with answers
  • Other material and links to online resources

What people say...

The Teaching Guide is outstanding in how it covers the exam board specifications.

Susan Robertson. Head of Mathematics, Graveney School

The worksheets relating to each part of the unit are excellent for consolidation.

Fiona Peers. Head of Mathematics, Akeley Wood School

Relevant Textbooks

Inside the Unit...

  • Download Free Sample 6.8mb

    Areas Covered

    • Lesson 1: Estimation
    • Lesson 2: Scale diagrams
    • Lesson 3: Bearings
    • Lesson 4: Plans and elevations
    • Lesson 5: Perimeter
    • Lesson 6: Area of simple shapes
    • Download sample lesson above
    • Lesson 7: Volume of simple shapes
    • Unit assessment

    There are 7 exercise sheets and an examination-style assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.

    Mathematics Mastery

    Our resources apply the principles of Mastery throughout, creating a rich and deep learning experience. Find out more about Mastery with our quick guide.

    Mathematics Mastery

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  • Unit Pricing and Discounts

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