Mastery for GCSE AQA

£75.00 + VAT Discounted rate from £37.50


Unit 1: Integers



Inside the Unit...

Download Free Sample 7.1mb

Areas Covered

  • Lesson 1: Place value
  • Lesson 2: Negative integers
  • Lesson 3: Calculate negative integers
  • Lesson 4: Multiplication
  • Download sample lesson above
  • Lesson 5: Division
  • Lesson 6: Priority of operations
  • Unit assessment

There are 6 exercise sheets and an examination-style assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.

Mathematics Mastery

Our resources apply the principles of Mastery throughout, creating a rich and deep learning experience. Find out more about Mastery with our quick guide.

Mathematics Mastery


This unit covers the building blocks of number; dealing with integer values. With a focus on the clarity of explanations and developing mastery, the unit aims to ensure that students are fluent with these critical basics. Integers, both positive and negative, and place value are explored and these concepts developed and used within reasoning problems. The use of the four mathematical operations are considered and consolidated through intelligent practice. Contextualised problems help develop a range of written methods to multiply and divide numbers and to find a remainder. The relationship between operations is explored and used to solve problems. The hierarchy of operations is discussed with conventional notation used to support this work.

What's included in the toolkit?

Teachers' Toolkit

The GCSE units have been written to satisfy the specification for the AQA 8300 Maths GCSE. Each unit contains:

  • PowerPoint slides for each component
  • Detailed lesson plans
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Worksheets and homework activities with answers
  • End-of-unit, exam-style assessment test with answers
  • Other material and links to online resources

What people say...

Really like the look of the language books and the reassurance that the voices are the same ones used in the exam – this could make a huge difference to our students’ confidence.

Alex Hunter. Head of Languages, Icknield Community College

I have just received ClearRevise Spanish - I love the book. 

A Gallego Fernández. Head of Spanish, Chislehurst School for Girls

Inside the Unit...

  • Download Free Sample 7.1mb

    Areas Covered

    • Lesson 1: Place value
    • Lesson 2: Negative integers
    • Lesson 3: Calculate negative integers
    • Lesson 4: Multiplication
    • Download sample lesson above
    • Lesson 5: Division
    • Lesson 6: Priority of operations
    • Unit assessment

    There are 6 exercise sheets and an examination-style assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.

    Mathematics Mastery

    Our resources apply the principles of Mastery throughout, creating a rich and deep learning experience. Find out more about Mastery with our quick guide.

    Mathematics Mastery

  • How to order

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  • Unit Pricing and Discounts

    Each unit is individually priced for LIFE. Please view each unit for detail. 

    Discounts are cumulative based on the total of units licenced to your department.

    All prices subject to further discounts and VAT.

    There are no annual renewal fees.

    2-5 units 10% discount
    6-11 units 15% discount
    12-23 units 20% discount
    24+ units 25% discount