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ClearRevise AQA GCSE French 8652 Teacher Pack

Audio, transcripts and marking guidance


This pack is available as a download to authenticated schools and teachers only.

AQA GCSE French Downloadable Teacher's Pack

This downloadable pack includes:

  • Transcript of all audio clips
  • Complete pack of audio clips
  • Marking guidance for Foundation and Higher students

This pack is free. 

What people say...

You have certainly brought design into this book, if the first few pages are anything to go by. An uncluttered, easy to follow guide which the pupils will enjoy using. Great graphics, clear key terms and explanations, and great inclusion of questions and exemplar responses. We have shopped around over the last couple of years, but I think we have now found our 'go to' book!

Jackie Plewes. Head of Design & Technology, Denstone College

Really like the look of the language books and the reassurance that the voices are the same ones used in the exam – this could make a huge difference to our students’ confidence.

Alex Hunter. Head of Languages, Icknield Community College

  • This pack is available as a download to authenticated schools and teachers only.

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