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Innovation through iterative design

In partnership with the Design Museum

Unplugged Unit
Perfect for lessons away from computers or workshops.

Inside the Unit...

Areas Covered

  • Lesson 1 Identify design context 
  • Lesson 2 Model, test, evaluate
  • Lesson 3 Prototype
  • Lesson 4 Develop, test, evaluate
  • Lesson 5 Is it ready?
  • Lesson 6 Present your progress

There are 6 worksheets, homework tasks and an assessment in this unit.

This is a free Pack (full price £120)


We are delighted to bring you a free teaching unit to inspire and engage students to follow a career in D&T.

The Design Museum

We have teamed up with the Design Museum to produce a series of six lessons that allow students to experience the freedom of a truly iterative approach to designing.
While reducing the rigid structure of a linear design approach, this unit adds enough scaffolding and idea-generating suggestions to enable innovation and inspiration
to flow freely. Students are encouraged to design and model in a way that suits them best, using strategies that work to avoid design fixation, resulting in inspiring outcomes.

What's included in the toolkit?


The currently available units have been written to satisfy the new National Curriculum for Design and Technology. They are designed for teaching at KS3 but individual lessons in some units may also be appropriate for teaching Key Stages 2 or 4, particularly where Year 10 students may not previously have been exposed to certain topics.

  • PowerPoint slides for each lesson
  • Detailed lesson plans
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Statement of which of the Government Guidelines are covered in the unit
  • Worksheets and activities
  • End-of-unit Assessment material
  • Other material and links to online resources

What people say...

I love your resources.

Mrs Rebecca Lowe. Head of Design Technology, The Priory C of E School

Excellent resources and good to know they can be easily adapted/customised to your school. Very thorough with levelling and easy to understand especially for new 2014 curriculum.

Jamie Booth. Head of Department, St Michael's Prep School

Inside the Unit...

  • Areas Covered

    • Lesson 1 Identify design context 
    • Lesson 2 Model, test, evaluate
    • Lesson 3 Prototype
    • Lesson 4 Develop, test, evaluate
    • Lesson 5 Is it ready?
    • Lesson 6 Present your progress

    There are 6 worksheets, homework tasks and an assessment in this unit.

  • How to order

    1. Add individual units to a draft order or download a blank order form below to complete manually

    2. Using a draft order you can either:

    1. Save your order online
      (registration or log in required)
    2. Email us your complete order
      (registration or log in required)
    3. Create a PDF
      (to fax or email at a later date)

    Download blank order form



  • Unit Pricing and Discounts

    Each unit is individually priced for LIFE. Please view each unit for detail. 

    Discounts are cumulative based on the total number of units licenced to your department.

    All prices subject to further discounts and VAT.

    There are no annual renewal fees.

    2-5 units 10% discount
    6-11 units 15% discount
    12+ units 20% discount