£120.00 + VAT Discounted rate from £96.00


10AE Database development

Build and interrogate your own software system


Inside the Unit...

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Areas Covered

  • Lesson 1 Introduction to databases
  • Lesson 2 Database tables
  • Lesson 3 Queries
    Download free sample above
  • Lesson 4 Input forms
  • Lesson 5 Reports and menus
  • Lesson 6 Assessment

There are 3 worksheets in this unit and 3 pre-populated sample databases.


This unit covers essential theory of databases in order to prepare pupils for Computer Science GCSE or IT qualifications. Supporting the basic theory, this unit has a practical focus, covering the creation and use of a database with one or two tables using MS Access.

The first lesson is designed to engage pupils in the concept of databases using a number of “Unsolved Crimes” and a database of suspects, from which pupils must use queries to find the culprit for each of the cases they have been allocated.

In subsequent lessons pupils will create a database of their own. They will create a table using suitable field data types and adding appropriate validation. Pupils will gain more experience of creating queries and create and customise an input form and report. More able pupils will also be able to create a menu system.

What's included in the 10th Anniversary toolkit?


The new units have been written to satisfy the new National Curriculum for Computing. They are designed for teaching at KS3 but individual lessons in some units may also be appropriate for teaching Key Stages 2 or 4, particularly where Year 10 students may not previously have been exposed to certain topics.

The 10th Anniversary Upgrade includes:

  1. Revised content based on teacher feedback that fully meets the national curriculum requirements 
  2. Full HD 16:9 widescreen presentations with enriched illustrations 
  3. New starters and plenaries with every lesson 
  4. Full answer slides for all questions asked in presentations 
  5. Worksheets with answers for every lesson 
  6. Homework sheets with answers for every lesson 
  7. Updated learning objectives and unit assessments 
  8. Updated lesson plans for new and non-specialist teachers 
  9. Pointer slides to worksheet activities in all presentations 
  10. An improved foundation and progression for the latest GCSE and vocational qualifications 

What people say...

Thank you – I have found PG Online resources extremely useful.

Adrian de Souza. Deputy Head, Sackville School

Well done for a great set of resources.

Beverley Castle. Teacher of Computing, St Joseph's Catholic High School

Relevant Textbooks

Inside the Unit...

  • Download Free Sample 4.1mb

    Areas Covered

    • Lesson 1 Introduction to databases
    • Lesson 2 Database tables
    • Lesson 3 Queries
      Download free sample above
    • Lesson 4 Input forms
    • Lesson 5 Reports and menus
    • Lesson 6 Assessment

    There are 3 worksheets in this unit and 3 pre-populated sample databases.

  • How to order

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  • Unit Pricing and Discounts

    Each unit is individually priced for LIFE. Please view each unit for detail. 

    Discounts are cumulative based on the total number of units licenced to your department.

    All prices subject to further discounts and VAT.

    There are no annual renewal fees.

    2-5 units 10% discount
    6-11 units 15% discount
    12+ units 20% discount