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10AE Spreadsheet modelling

Develop and test a new business model


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Areas Covered

  • Lesson 1 Introduction to spreadheets
  • Lesson 2 Computer models
  • Download free sample lesson
  • Lesson 3 Creating a financial model
  • Lesson 4 What if scenarios
  • Lesson 5 Conditional formatting and validation
  • Lesson 6 Macros and charts
  • Lesson 7 Assessment

There are 6 worksheets with skeleton and completed spreadsheets for pupil use and demonstration purposes in this unit.


This revised unit is suitable for pupils regardless of their previous spreadsheet experience. An introduction to spreadsheets lesson has been added to this new 10th Anniversary Edition which goes through the basics for those who are new to spreadsheets. For those with more experience it serves as a useful revision lesson.

The unit covers relative and absolute cell references, formulas, functions and formatting. The unit is centred around creating a financial model for a TV talent show. Pupils start by looking at different types of model and then use basic spreadsheet techniques to create and format a simple financial model to calculate the expected income from viewers’ voting. The model is then extended to include sales from merchandising, with the introduction of “what if” scenarios some of which are solved using Goal Seek. Finally, the pupils create a seat booking system to calculate income from seat sales. Further spreadsheet features covered include SUM, MAX, IF and COUNTIF functions, conditional formatting, validation, charting and simple macros.

What's included in the 10th Anniversary toolkit?


The new units have been written to satisfy the new National Curriculum for Computing. They are designed for teaching at KS3 but individual lessons in some units may also be appropriate for teaching Key Stages 2 or 4, particularly where Year 10 students may not previously have been exposed to certain topics.

The 10th Anniversary Upgrade includes:

  1. Revised content based on teacher feedback that fully meets the national curriculum requirements 
  2. Full HD 16:9 widescreen presentations with enriched illustrations 
  3. New starters and plenaries with every lesson 
  4. Full answer slides for all questions asked in presentations 
  5. Worksheets with answers for every lesson 
  6. Homework sheets with answers for every lesson 
  7. Updated learning objectives and unit assessments 
  8. Updated lesson plans for new and non-specialist teachers 
  9. Pointer slides to worksheet activities in all presentations 
  10. An improved foundation and progression for the latest GCSE and vocational qualifications 

What people say...

Our year 8 girls really enjoyed the Python Unit and even complained when we moved on to another topic.

Don Smith. Head of ICT, Greenford High School

We decided that […rather than going on courses] it would be far more beneficial to buy in KS3 resources for the same price or less. We have decided to go with as this offered the best resources for the cheapest price

Richard Bunn. Our Lady & St Chad Catholic Sports College

Relevant Textbooks

Inside the Unit...

  • Download Free Sample 8.1mb

    Areas Covered

    • Lesson 1 Introduction to spreadheets
    • Lesson 2 Computer models
    • Download free sample lesson
    • Lesson 3 Creating a financial model
    • Lesson 4 What if scenarios
    • Lesson 5 Conditional formatting and validation
    • Lesson 6 Macros and charts
    • Lesson 7 Assessment

    There are 6 worksheets with skeleton and completed spreadsheets for pupil use and demonstration purposes in this unit.

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  • Unit Pricing and Discounts

    Each unit is individually priced for LIFE. Please view each unit for detail. 

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    All prices subject to further discounts and VAT.

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