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AQA GCSE (9-1) Computer Science 8525 (Textbook)

S Robson and PM Heathcote
ISBN: 9781910523223


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  • Section 1: Fundamentals of algorithms
  • Section 2A: Programming basics
  • Section 2B: Programming techniques
  • Section 3: Fundamentals of data representation
  • Section 4: Computer systems
  • Section 5: Fundamentals of computer networks
  • Section 6: Cyber security
  • Section 7: Relational databases and SQL
  • Section 8: Ethical, legal and environmental impacts

AQA GCSE (9-1) 8525 Computer Science

This book is approved by AQA.

Published 26 March 2020

Available in printed paperback format, or as a digital subscription edition

Order digital copies from our ebook partners Classoos

This book is aimed at GCSE students. It provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of all the topics covered in the new AQA 8525 Computer Science specification, written and presented in a way that is accessible to teenagers. It will be invaluable both as a course text and as a revision guide for students nearing the end of their course.

It is divided into nine sections covering every element of the specification. Sections 1, 2A and 2B of the textbook cover algorithms and programming concepts with a theoretical approach to provide students with experience of writing, tracing and debugging pseudocode solutions without the aid of a computer. These sections would complement practical programming experience.

Solutions to all questions and exercises are provided in a free teacher pack available on our website.

To accompany this textbook, PG Online also publishes a series of nine downloadable teaching units. Each topic in a unit consists of a PowerPoint presentation, teacher’s notes, worksheets, homework sheets and a final assessment test with practice questions. Each topic within a unit is expected to be taught over several lessons in a week. Units are sold as a lifetime site licence and may be loaded onto the school’s private network or VLE.

What people say...

Many thanks for continuing to improve and expand your excellent resources. I can’t begin to add up the time it has saved us.

Jules Hazzledine. Head of ICT & Business Studies, William Farr School

Thank you these books are very informative and great for my students to follow.

Juanita Slaughter. Technology Teacher, St Aldhelm's Academy

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  • See inside

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    • Section 1: Fundamentals of algorithms
    • Section 2A: Programming basics
    • Section 2B: Programming techniques
    • Section 3: Fundamentals of data representation
    • Section 4: Computer systems
    • Section 5: Fundamentals of computer networks
    • Section 6: Cyber security
    • Section 7: Relational databases and SQL
    • Section 8: Ethical, legal and environmental impacts
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