A Level AQA

£140.00 + VAT Discounted rate from £112.00


Unit 6: Communication: Technology and consequences

AQA Paper 2

Unplugged Unit
Perfect for lessons away from computers or workshops.

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Areas Covered

This unit consists of six topics, each more substantial than a single lesson and intended to be covered over the course of a week.

  • Topic 1: Communication methods
  • Topic 2: Network topology
  • Topic 3: Client-server and peer-to-peer
  • Download sample lesson above
  • Topic 4: Wireless networking, CSMA and SSID
  • Topic 5: Communication and privacy
  • Topic 6: The challenges of the digital age
  • End of unit assessment

There are worksheets, homework tasks, and an assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.


The unit is subdivided into six topics (plus a test) in order to fit with most school timetables. It is a theoretical unit covering all of Section 3.9 on Fundamentals of Communication and Networking and 3.8 on Consequences of Uses of Computing from the AQA AS Computer Science specification.  It builds on the fundamentals covered in both the Key Stage 3 NC and our unit on Networks as well as the GCSE AQA and OCR units on Networking and then extends this knowledge to a level sufficient for examination purposes. Students learn about:

  • Communications methods, including baud rate, bit rate, bandwidth, latency and protocols
  • Network topologies, including physical star and logical bus
  • Client-server and peer-to-peer networking
  • Wireless networking, including CSMA and SSID

The unit concludes with two lessons on communications and privacy and the social, legal and cultural issues presented by the use of computers and communication methods in today’s world.

No specific software is required for this unit beyond a standard office suite of applications for the presentation and printing of provided resources.

What's included in the toolkit?


The AS Level units have been written to satisfy the specification for Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the AQA 7516/7 Computer Science AS/A Level. Each unit contains:

  • PowerPoint slides for each topic
  • Detailed lesson plans
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Worksheets and homework activities with answers
  • End-of-unit, exam-style assessment test with answers
  • Other material and links to online resources

What people say...

I have to say that the resources you have created for the R081 unit are fantastic. Very engaging and well thought out. 

Alan Glasgow. Head of IT and Computer Science, Norton Hill School

As someone who has marked exams regularly moderates for the exam board, it is even more apparent to me how important this type of resource is. Additionally, with an ever-burgeoning amount of theory to teach, there is just not the time to produce such high-quality materials.

Tim Masters. Head of Design Technology, Blackheath High School

Relevant Textbooks

Inside the Unit...

  • Download Free Sample 5.0mb

    Areas Covered

    This unit consists of six topics, each more substantial than a single lesson and intended to be covered over the course of a week.

    • Topic 1: Communication methods
    • Topic 2: Network topology
    • Topic 3: Client-server and peer-to-peer
    • Download sample lesson above
    • Topic 4: Wireless networking, CSMA and SSID
    • Topic 5: Communication and privacy
    • Topic 6: The challenges of the digital age
    • End of unit assessment

    There are worksheets, homework tasks, and an assessment test, each with answers included in this unit.

  • How to order

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  • Unit Pricing and Discounts

    Each unit is individually priced for LIFE. Please view each unit for detail. 

    Discounts are cumulative based on the total number of units licenced to your department.

    All prices subject to further discounts and VAT.

    There are no annual renewal fees.

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    6-11 units 15% discount
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