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GCSE AQA Chemistry

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Unit 6: Heat changes and electrolysis

AQA 8462 / 8464 Chemistry


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Areas Covered

  • Topic 1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions
  • Download sample lesson above
  • Topic 2 Energy profile diagrams
  • Topic 3 Energies of bonds
  • Topic 4 Bond energy calculations
  • Topic 5 Chemical cells and fuel cells *
  • Topic 6 What is electrolysis?
  • Topic 7 Extraction of aluminium
  • Topic 8 Electrolysis of aqueous solutions
  • Unit Assessment

There are 8 worksheets, 8 homework tasks, and an examination-style assessment test, each with answers included in this unit. 

* These topics contain content suitable for separate Chemistry students only.



Each topic is designed for teaching over roughly 1-2 lessons.

The sixth unit in the series is concerned with two key aspects of physical chemistry in the AQA specification – heat changes and electrolysis. This unit employs evidence based on experimental study to enhance the development of knowledge and understanding. Many students will have come across exothermic and endothermic reactions previously in terms of simple temperature measurement, but this unit concentrates on the transfer of heat energy between the system and the surroundings.  A look at how energy changes are represented as energy profiles then follows seamlessly into how energy changes may be explained in terms of chemical bonding. A study then introduces chemical cells in terms of their chemical energy not being used to create heat energy, but to generate electrical energy instead in the form of electrochemical cells.

A study is then made of electrolysis in terms of the ability to decompose chemical compounds to form elements – so electrical energy being transferred to chemical potential energy. The underlying processes involved in electrode surface transformations is discussed in terms of higher-level ionic half equations throughout this section. The unit then covers the process of electrolysis in terms of its relevance to the extraction of aluminium from its ore. The electrolysis of aqueous solutions and the chemical understanding that determines which substances are formed at each electrode then brings the unit to an engaging conclusion.

The complete series covers the AQA GCSE (9-1) Chemistry 8462 and combined science (Trilogy) 8464 specifications for Chemistry. Content relating to the separate Chemistry specification or Higher level material is indicated throughout for easy identification.

What's included in the toolkit?

Chemistry teaching toolkit

The GCSE units have been written to satisfy the specification for the separate Chemistry 8462 and Trilogy 8464 specification for the new AQA 9-1 GCSEs. Each unit contains:

  • PowerPoint slides for each topic
  • Detailed lesson plans
  • Learning objectives and outcomes
  • Worksheets and homework activities with answers
  • End-of-unit, exam-style assessment test with answers
  • Other material and links to online resources

What people say...

The lessons are designed to develop deep understanding so students master the mathematical concepts and techniques involved.

Heather Davis. Professional Development Lead, NCETM

I ordered some of your Weimar and Nazi Germany books previously - like the concise, clear and calm page presentation.

Duncan Shipton. Head of History and Politics, Enfield Grammar School

Relevant Textbooks

Inside the Unit...

  • Download Free Sample 6.0mb

    Areas Covered

    • Topic 1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions
    • Download sample lesson above
    • Topic 2 Energy profile diagrams
    • Topic 3 Energies of bonds
    • Topic 4 Bond energy calculations
    • Topic 5 Chemical cells and fuel cells *
    • Topic 6 What is electrolysis?
    • Topic 7 Extraction of aluminium
    • Topic 8 Electrolysis of aqueous solutions
    • Unit Assessment

    There are 8 worksheets, 8 homework tasks, and an examination-style assessment test, each with answers included in this unit. 

    * These topics contain content suitable for separate Chemistry students only.


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