What goes into a PG Online unit?

CH toolkit

It takes us over 50 hours to develop every single PG Online lesson

The Teaching Guide contains detailed lesson plans; it is essential reading

Teachers using PG Online save 3.2 hours of planning per week*


Our Development Process in Detail

It all starts with the examination board specifications. Using our experience from the classroom we break this down into manageable parts, creating a series of coherent units. These are detailed in the specification maps that are available on the series pages of our website.

Once the specification is broken out into neat units, authors translate the learning outcomes into the individual components. Our authors are highly experienced teaching practitioners, examiners and educationalists who use their extensive subject knowledge and pedagogy to bring each topic to life with searching questions, creative starters and involving plenaries.

Each lesson is constructed and assembled based on sound pedagogical principles; teacher’s notes are added, and the flow of the lesson carefully considered, while the core PowerPoint presentation is created. Notes are edited and transferred to a central Teaching Guide, exercises are added to worksheets to apply understanding and embed learning, and plenary sessions are carefully designed to encourage interaction and discovery among students. The learning objectives are then incorporated into an end of unit assessment; designed to test the students' knowledge and their breadth and depth of application.

While we place particular emphasis on isolating stimulating images, our resources are truly unlocked by the lessons plans contained in the Teaching Guide. Detailed lesson plans for every lesson are produced that are easily absorbed and can serve to guide new and non-specialist practitioners and inspire subject experts.

At the end of each stage of our development process, we use examination board experts to check the sense and detail of every part of the resources. Every element of every unit is designed to familiarise students with the particular approach of the key stage or board. Students are prepared by everyday exposure to examination style questions, equipping them to perform as well as possible in the examination. You are welcome to edit the materials to best suit your style, your students and your department, but otherwise, we are committed to lightening your load so that you can spend more time doing all of the other things that need doing. 

Download a free lesson today and see for yourself.

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* Sample of 332 PG Online users, November and December 2018