See the value of PG Online Mathematics GCSE series to your school

Our new Mathematics GCSE series can be used from Year 9 to Year 11. It has a total of 168 components (lessons) across 25 units and comprehensively covers the whole Foundation level specification for Edexcel 1MA1.

Because every school is different we have built a simple calculator for you to work out the value the new series offers your students and school. We have calculated that for most UK schools the costs for each lesson, per pupil, is less than that of a pencil. It's affectionately known as The Persuader, feel free to give it a go.

Enter the numbers of students studying GCSE Maths and see the value:

PG Online GCSE Mathematics Series of 25 Units

Your School
Full price, £2400, less 25% launch discount £1,800.00
Number students studying foundation maths GCSE (years 9 to 11)
Change this amount to apply to your school →
Cost per student £12.00
÷ 168 Lessons in the course
Equals, cost per student per lesson £0.07

Is that less than the cost of a pencil?

Review all the units in the series here

There are no on-going subscription costs; our licence is offered for life for all members of the school's department. The value of the units is increased the more teachers use them, making the most of the investment.

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