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#3 March: Spaced learning

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Revising little and often is more effective than cramming. No surprise there. But… combining this with retrieval practice by asking questions that link back to concepts covered at earlier points in the course creates a very effective method of learning and, crucially, remembering! The human brain is amazing and absorbs a lot more than we appreciate at the time. We forget it quickly again but when re-learned or revised, it comes back more quickly and takes longer to disappear again.

How to space your learning using the rule of tenths:

  • Calculate how much time you have left before the exam.
  • Divide this into tenths.
  • Revise at each point.

 Retrieval practice

It is better to start revising early – now is the perfect time for summer exams. You will have lots of subjects to revise for and they will each need an evening to themselves. You will also need some time off. So, start revising at least 100 days before the exams to reduce your stress and that of the household!

Good luck!